Behaviour Help Blog

Dolly Bhargava's blogs on positive behaviour support

We have developed a comprehensive range of articles and resources at Here you can find categories of blog articles but also collections. Collections bring together all the resources we have available on a particular topic such as ADHD.

Featured Article

Empowering Learners: Differentiating the curriculum for students with ADHD

Explore effective strategies for differentiating curriculum for students with ADHD. This comprehensive guide covers key techniques such as multisensory instruction, active learning, task chunking, visual organisation, individualised support, and more. Gain insights into creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students with ADHD.

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Supporting children in a classroom with a curriculum adapted for students with ADHD

Blogs related to Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is an evidenced-based implementation framework that is used to address the needs of the individual and the underlying causes of challenging behaviours. See Full PBS Collection

a child and mother having a sensory story together

What is Behaviour of Concern? Ten examples and common causes.

Article explaining what behaviours of concern are, providing examples of behaviours of concern, considering causes and effects.

Positive Behaviour Support framework graphic showing the three parts: assess, manage and prevent.

What is Positive Behaviour Support?

PBS is a framework for developing and delivering person centered interventions that aim to improve quality of life. This blog explores the origins of PBS, what lies at the core of the framework and practical advice on how to use the assess, manage, prevent cycle.

Students in a classroom listening to teacher

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Plan in 5 Easy Steps

Straight forward guidance on how to create a Positive Behaviour Support Plan in five easy steps. Positive behaviour support plans help children have better classroom behaviour by better communicating a set of consistent and positive expectations they can relate to.

Blogs related to Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is the ability to identify, understand, express and manage emotions in a healthy way. Dolly Bhargava explores emotional regulation through definition and example with academic references. See Full Emotional Regulation Collection

Mother and daughter using exercise as a form of emotional regulation

Teaching Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is a skill that is learned.  Some children develop a better sense of regulating and controlling their emotions than others in the natural course of growing up but others do not develop the skill so well. This guide is therefore aimed at helping you as parent, carers, teachers or health professionals, to teach emotional regulation skills.  To do this, we use a toolkit called CHARGE and this is going to help the child, adolescent or adult express and manage their emotions in a healthy way.

Small boy contemplating his emotional regulation

What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotional regulation is the ability to identify, understand, express and manage emotions in a healthy way. Dolly Bhargava explores emotional regulation through definition and example with academic references.

variety of emotions depicted in faces drawn onto postit notes

Guiding the Development of Emotional Regulation Skills Online Course

Guiding the Development of Emotional Regulation Skills is an online, self-paced course that will equip you with practical tools to improve a child’s emotional regulation.

Blogs related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. ADHD is defined by a pattern of behaviour involving inattention, disorganisation and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. See Full ADHD Collection

Happy hyperactive children bouncing on the sofa

Which is it: Hyperactivity or ADHD?

Are you uncertain about whether your child is hyperactive (as young children often are), actually has Hyperactivity or has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This article aims to help parents and educators understand the subtle differences and offers advice for supporting children in the home and at school.

Little boy struggling with emotional regulation

Why Children with ADHD have difficulties with Emotional Regulation

Ongoing research has shown that individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD are more prone to emotional dysregulation. In this article we explore why.

Image of the sections of the brain

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Factsheet on ADHD covering definition, different types, causes and symptoms.

Blogs related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the growth, development and functioning of the brain. See Full ASD Collection

Little boy with ASD being entertained by his dad and a cardboard box

Differentiating the Curriculum for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This guide seeks to empower educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster an inclusive, engaging, and effective learning environment for all students with ASD.

A child with autism spectrum disorder poses for a photograph

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the growth, development and functioning of the brain. Children with ASD typically find social interaction challenging and will often have restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour. Let’s explore ASD in more detail to learn more about brain development and the behaviours exhibited by children with ASD.

Little girl with autism sitting with her hands over her ears

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Factsheet on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) covering definition, causes and symptoms.

Blogs related to Challenging Behaviours

Challenging behavior refers to a range of behaviors exhibited by individuals that can be difficult to manage or change. These behaviors are often characterized by their intensity, frequency, or duration, and can include actions that are harmful to the individual or others, disrupt daily activities, or impede learning and social interactions. See Full Challenging Behaviour Collection

Child with disability finds it hard to engage in play activity with her mother

Why is Play so Challenging for Children with Disabilities?

Play is an essential part of growing up. The benefits of play influence all physical and emotional aspects of development from growing stronger to learning how to interact with one another. We anticipate that children will simply know how to play or be able to ‘go play’ with only a little encouragement but play can actually be very difficult for some children and in particular those with disabilities.

children throwing paper aeroplanes in the classroom - a situation that could easily escalate into challenging behaviour

12 Ways to Help Students Overcome Challenging Behaviour

Students at school experience all kinds of stresses each day. When it all gets too much the student's behaviour can become challenging. Here are 12 practical and easy-to-use strategies for de-escalating challenging behaviour in the classroom.

child having unstructured time in a paddling pool

Strategies for Students Who Struggle With Unstructured Times

Unstructured times can be a struggle for students with Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The nature of these periods of time can prompt some students to exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties that we as teaches would like to minimise. Fortunately, there are many strategies teachers can use to help their students cope with the difficulties of unstructured times.

Blogs related to Conditions and Disorders

This section provides support articles for a range of recognised behaviour conditions and disorders. See Full Conditions and Disorders Collection

a colourful rainbow patterned brain indicating neurodiversity

What do we mean by Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent, and Neurotypical?

Supporting children in a classroom with a curriculum adapted for students with ADHD

Pathways to Expression: Developing Communication Skills of Pre-Intentional and Intentional Communicators

Uncover effective strategies to enhance communication skills in students with profound intellectual disabilities for enriched learning experiences.

little boy having a think about theory of mind depicted by question marks floating above his head

Teaching Theory Of Mind Skills in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Theory of mind skills can often be undeveloped in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). With support, theory of mind can be nurtured. This short article discusses simple activities you can do at home or in the classroom to help nurture theory of mind skills in children and adolescents with ASD.

Blogs related to Functional Behaviour Assessment

Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) is an evidence-based and systematic assessment process of collecting and analysing information from various sources that helps to gain insights into the factors contributing the behaviour and identify why a behaviour is occurring i.e., the “function/s” of the behaviour. See Full FBA Collection

a team working on a functional behaviour assessment

Tools for Conducting an Effective Functional Behaviour Assessment

Article explaining the tools that you can use to carry out an effective Functional Behaviour Assessment.

Woman assessing a child

What is a Functional Behaviour Assessment?

An introduction to Functional Behaviour Assessment providing a clear answer to the question 'What is FBA?'

steps of functional behaviour assessments

Seven Steps of Functional Behaviour Assessment

A user's guide to the seven steps of FBA from definition to intervention and evaluation.




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