ADHD Collection

A collection of our ADHD resources from books and online courses we offer to blogs and management strategies.  This page directs you to all the relevant ADHD content available at

ADHD graphic showing the letters ADHD

Strategies for Improving Attention Span and Avoiding Distraction

In this article we explore how technology affects attention span, neurodivergence characterised by attention span difficulties and management techniques anyone can use to improve their attention span.

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Strategies for Improving Attention Span and Avoiding Distraction

Tailoring Experiential Learning for Neurodiverse Students

Follow these 15 simple steps to tailoring experiential learning for neurodiverse students. Use the guide yourself or work through the steps with someone you are with.

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A simple guide to Tailoring Experiential Learning for Neurodiverse Students in 10 easy to follow steps

Strategies to Help Manage a Short Attention Span

Follow these 10 simple steps to managing a short attention span. Use the guide yourself or work through the steps with someone you are with.

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A simple guide to managing a short attention span in 10 easy to follow steps

Strategies to Manage Hyperactivity

Follow these 10 simple steps to managing hyperactivity. Use the guide yourself or work through the steps with someone you are with.

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A simple guide to managing hyperactivity in 10 easy to follow steps

Empowering Learners: Differentiating the curriculum for students with ADHD

Explore effective strategies for differentiating curriculum for students with ADHD. This comprehensive guide covers key techniques such as multisensory instruction, active learning, task chunking, visual organisation, individualised support, and more. Gain insights into creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students with ADHD.

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Supporting children in a classroom with a curriculum adapted for students with ADHD

Which is it: Hyperactivity or ADHD?

Are you uncertain about whether your child is hyperactive (as young children often are), actually has Hyperactivity or has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This article aims to help parents and educators understand the subtle differences and offers advice for supporting children in the home and at school.

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Happy hyperactive children bouncing on the sofa

Minimising Classroom Distractions for Students with ADHD

Children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can get easily distracted by internal and external stimuli. There are simple strategies we can use to help support students with ADHD.

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children in a classroom with reduced distractions to assist children with ADHD

Why Children with ADHD have difficulties with Emotional Regulation

Ongoing research has shown that individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD are more prone to emotional dysregulation. In this article we explore why.

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Little boy struggling with emotional regulation

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Factsheet on ADHD covering definition, different types, causes and symptoms.

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Image of the sections of the brain

Positive Behaviour Support for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Online Course

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tired mother with child suffering with adhd

Guiding the Development of Emotional Regulation Skills Online Course

Guiding the Development of Emotional Regulation Skills is an online, self-paced course that will equip you with practical tools to improve a child’s emotional regulation.

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variety of emotions depicted in faces drawn onto postit notes

Positive Behaviour Support Strategies for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Taking CHARGE of My Rainbow of Emotions: Teaching Emotion Regulation Step by Step Workbook

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Online Courses

