Strategies to Manage Hyperactivity

Follow these 10 simple steps to managing hyperactivity. Use the guide yourself or work through the steps with someone you are with.

A simple guide to managing hyperactivity in 10 easy to follow steps

1. Physical Activity

Engage in regular exercise to help release excess energy in a controlled way.


2. Structured Routine

Establish a consistent daily routine with designated times for various activities.


3. Breaks and Movement

Allow for short, frequent breaks to move around and release energy.


4. Mindfulness Techniques

Practice techniques like deep breathing and meditation to promote relaxation and focus.


5. Sensory Tools

Provide sensory tools like fidget toys or stress balls to help channel excess energy.


6. Time Management

Use timers or alarms to segment activities and allocate time for hyperactive behaviours.


7. Engaging Hobbies

Encourage participation in hobbies or activities that provide a constructive outlet for energy.


8. Limit Stimulants

Reduce intake of caffeine and sugar, as they can exacerbate hyperactivity.


9. Healthy Diet

Ensure a balanced diet with sufficient nutrients and avoid foods that may trigger restlessness.


10. Consult a Professional

If hyperactivity significantly impacts daily life, consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or therapist.



These strategies can help manage hyperactivity and promote a healthier balance of energy and focus.  It's important to tailor these approaches to the individual's specific needs and preferences.

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Everything parents, educators and professionals need to help children of all ages learn positive ways of behaving and managing emotions so that they can be happier, healthier and reach their full potential.

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