Positive Behaviour Support Strategies for Students with Anxious Behaviour

Positive Behaviour Support Strategies for Students with Anxious Behaviours: A Step by Step Guide to Assessing, Managing and Preventing Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties provides templates, banks of practical strategies and a framework for developing a behaviour support plan so that all staff supporting a child can respond to challenging behaviours effectively and efficiently in a planned, safe and least disruptive manner. This book will educate, empower and enable you to help your child learn positive ways of behaving and managing their emotions, so they can spend more time learning and developing, and you can spend more time doing what you do best: teaching.

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We all feel anxious from time to time, but some children experience anxious behaviours that impact their time in the classroom. When a child has problematic anxiety, their prolonged fear and worry can negatively affect how they function academically and socially; their engagement with people and activities will be negatively impacted. Supporting children who exhibit anxious behaviours can leave teachers feeling overwhelmed, unprepared, and unsure of how to respond. Does this sound familiar?

Positive Behaviour Support Strategies for Students with Anxious Behaviours: A Step-by-Step Guide to Assessing, Managing, and Preventing Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties is a highly practical book that can be used by educators in childcare, preschool, schools, and community services to learn the evidence-based approach of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) to assess, manage, and prevent challenging behaviours in children of all ages who experience problematic anxiety.

Learn how to complete a functional behaviour analysis to document behaviour incidents, identify triggers, and determine the reasons for specific challenging behaviours. Consult the bank of proactive strategies that can be tailored to an individual child’s environment to prevent triggers and promote positive ways of communicating, behaving, and managing emotions. Develop an escalation profile to describe the different verbal and non-verbal signals the child exhibits as their levels of stress, anger, and/or frustration increase, and determine strategies for responding to each escalation stage.

This invaluable resource is useful for parents, caregivers, childcare educators, primary and secondary educators, supervisory, allied health professionals, and mental health professionals.




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