R for Repetitive Questioning: Positive Behaviour Support

For a variety of reasons, repetitive questioning is common in children with anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome.

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Most children and adults try to stay as patient as possible, but at times they may feel tired of answering the questions and in exasperation, snap and say something like ‘I have already told you the answer a hundred times’, ‘We just talked about this 2 minutes ago’ or ‘Why do you keep asking me when you already know the answer’? However, these responses only seem to increase the child’s agitation and the situation worsens.  

Based on the evidence-based Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach, this user-friendly guide, R for Repetitive Questioning, will help you develop a comprehensive PBS plan step-by-step. You will learn how to do the following:

  1. Identify the reasons why your child is repetitively questioning (assess),
  2. Respond appropriately when your child repetitively questions (manage), and
  3. Minimise the occurrence of repetitive questioning behaviour (prevent).

Use the practical tools (checklists, forms, and strategies) provided to develop comprehensive PBS plans that can be used to support children of all ages consistently in all contexts. This invaluable resource is useful for parents, caregivers, childcare educators, primary and secondary educators, supervisory, allied health professionals, and mental health professionals.

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