H for Hyperactivity: Positive Behaviour Support

It is normal for children to be active, and some children are more active than others. Whilst most children over time learn how to calm their body when instructed to or required to so that they can engage in an activity, children with hyperactivity struggle.

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Hyperactivity causes the child to exhibit excessive motor activity. They appear to be engaged in frenetic motion whether it’s appropriate or inappropriate. They have trouble remaining seated and often run, climb, fidget, or talk excessively. Having to constantly guide a child’s hyperactivity is stressful and wearing.

Based on the evidence-based Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach, this user-friendly guide, H for Hyperactivity, will help you develop a comprehensive PBS plan step-by-step. You will learn how to do the following:

  1. Determine the reasons for the hyperactive behaviour (assess),
  2. Respond appropriately when the hyperactive behaviour occurs (manage), and
  3. Help the child learn positive ways of behaving and managing emotions (prevent).

Use the practical tools (checklists, forms, and strategies) provided to develop comprehensive PBS plans that can be used to support children of all ages consistently in all contexts. This invaluable resource is useful for parents, caregivers, childcare educators, primary and secondary educators, supervisory, allied health professionals, and mental health professionals.

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