A for Attention Seeking: Positive Behaviour Support

Attention-seeking behaviour can take many forms. For example, it can be a child talking, seeking validation, making noises, raising their hand, clowning around, blurting out, needing someone to help, teach, or watch them do something, tattling, provoking a confrontation, incessantly questioning, bullying or teasing, or telling fantastical stories or exaggerated unrealistic experiences.

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Attention-seeking behaviour becomes a concern with any of the following occurrences:

  • the duration (i.e., how long each incident of the attention-seeking behaviour lasts) becomes excessive.
  • the frequency (i.e., how often a child exhibits attention-seeking behaviour) becomes excessive.
  • the intensity (i.e., the strength of the attention-seeking behaviour) escalates from minor behaviours into extreme behaviours
  • the attention-seeking behaviour negatively impacts the child’s participation in activities, interactions with others, or their day-to-day functioning and development.

Based on the evidence-based Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach, this user-friendly guide, A for Attention-Seeking, will help you develop a comprehensive PBS plan step-by-step. You will learn how to do the following:

  1. Determine the reasons for the attention-seeking behaviour (assess),
  2. Respond appropriately when the attention-seeking behaviour occurs (manage), and
  3. Minimise or eliminate the occurrence of attention-seeking behaviour (prevent).

Use the practical tools (checklists, forms, and strategies) provided to develop comprehensive PBS plans that can be used to support children of all ages consistently in all contexts. This invaluable resource is useful for parents, childcare educators, early childhood workers, primary and secondary school educators, supervisory, allied health professionals, and mental health professionals.

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