Twelve Common Causes of Behaviours of Concern

Explore key factors behind challenging behaviors, from communication issues to environmental impacts, for effective understanding and support.

twelve common causes of behaviours of concern

People may exhibit behaviours of concern for various reasons and it's important to understand that behaviour is complex and can be influenced by a combination of factors.

Understanding underlying causes or triggers of these behaviours is crucial for addressing them effectively. Causes can include environmental factors, psychological distress, medical issues, or unmet needs.

Here are some common reasons why individuals may engage in behaviours of concern:


1. Communication Difficulties

Individuals who struggle with verbal communication may use behaviours of concern to express themselves. This could be due to developmental disorders like autism or in situations where language barriers exist.

Behaviours such as aggression or self-harm can be manifestations of their inability to convey feelings of frustration, pain, or need for assistance.

Communication plays a pivotal role in our daily interactions and emotional regulation. When individuals face challenges with verbal communication, they may resort to behaviours of concern as an alternative means of expression. This is particularly prevalent in individuals with developmental disorders like autism, where verbal communication may be limited or non-existent. These individuals might struggle to articulate their thoughts, emotions, or needs, leading to feelings of isolation and frustration.

In situations involving language barriers, such as in multicultural environments or with non-native speakers, the inability to communicate effectively can lead to similar frustrations. Without the means to express themselves clearly, individuals might feel misunderstood or ignored, triggering behaviours that are seen as concerning.

behaviours of concern such as aggression, self-harm, or withdrawal can be manifestations of this underlying communication struggle. Aggression might be a response to the frustration of not being understood or heard, while self-harm could be a distressing way of internalising the inability to communicate pain or emotional turmoil. Withdrawal, on the other hand, might be a protective mechanism against the fear of miscommunication or misunderstanding.


2. Unmet Needs

Behaviours of concern often stem from basic unmet needs. For instance, a child might act out when hungry or tired, while an adult may exhibit challenging behaviours if they feel isolated or neglected. Sensory needs are also significant; some individuals might seek specific sensory input (like certain textures or movements) or may be overwhelmed by sensory overload, leading to distress and problematic behaviours.

At the core of many behaviours of concern is the fundamental issue of unmet needs. These needs can be as basic as hunger, thirst, or the need for sleep, or as complex as emotional, social, and sensory needs. When these needs are not adequately met, individuals, regardless of age, may exhibit behaviours that are seen as challenging.

In children, unmet physical needs like hunger or fatigue are often direct triggers for behaviours of concern. A hungry child might become irritable or disruptive, while a tired child may throw tantrums or become uncooperative. Addressing these basic needs is often a straightforward way to alleviate such behaviours. However, it's important to note that children may not always be able to articulate their needs effectively, making it crucial for caregivers to be attentive to these basic requirements.

Adults, too, can exhibit behaviours of concern stemming from unmet needs, though these are often more complex and related to emotional or social aspects. Feelings of isolation, neglect, or lack of a supportive social network can lead to behaviours like aggression, withdrawal, or depression. Adults with cognitive impairments or mental health issues might particularly struggle to communicate or fulfill these needs on their own, requiring attentive care and support.

Sensory needs play a significant role in behaviours of concern. Some individuals, especially those with sensory processing disorders or autism spectrum disorders, may seek specific sensory inputs like certain textures, sounds, or movements to feel regulated and comfortable. In contrast, sensory overload – being in environments that are too loud, bright, or crowded – can lead to overwhelming distress. This sensory distress can manifest as avoidance, agitation, or even self-injurious behaviours.


3. Lack of Social Skill

Difficulty in social interactions can lead to frustration and behaviours of concern. This is particularly true for those with social skill deficits, such as individuals on the autism spectrum. They might struggle with understanding social cues, leading to inappropriate responses or interactions that are perceived as problematic.

Social skills are fundamental to navigating the complexities of interpersonal interactions and community involvement. When individuals lack these skills, it can lead to significant challenges and frustrations, often resulting in behaviours of concern. This is especially true for individuals on the autism spectrum or those with other developmental disorders that impact social communication and interaction.

For these individuals, understanding and interpreting social cues can be a daunting task. Subtleties such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions that typically convey essential information in social interactions might be misinterpreted or completely missed. This can lead to responses or behaviours that are deemed inappropriate or out of context. For example, an individual might not understand the concept of personal space, leading to discomfort in others, or they might not pick up on sarcasm, leading to confusion or conflict.

Moreover, individuals with social skill deficits may struggle with initiating and maintaining conversations, understanding social norms, and developing and sustaining relationships. These difficulties can be isolating, often leading to feelings of loneliness and frustration. In response, individuals might exhibit a range of behaviours from withdrawal and avoidance to acting out in ways that draw attention, albeit negatively.

These challenges with social interactions can have broader implications, affecting educational, occupational, and personal aspects of life. For instance, in educational settings, students with social skill deficits might find group work or classroom participation overwhelming, affecting their academic performance and peer relationships. In the workplace, these challenges can hinder teamwork, communication, and professional growth.


4. Emotional Regulation

Individuals who have trouble managing their emotions, such as those with anxiety, depression, or certain neurodevelopmental disorders, might display behaviours of concern as a coping mechanism. Emotional dysregulation can result in outbursts, aggression, or withdrawal as a way of dealing with overwhelming feelings.

Emotional regulation, the ability to manage and respond to an emotional experience, is crucial for psychological well-being and social functioning. However, for individuals grappling with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or certain neurodevelopmental disorders, regulating emotions can be exceptionally challenging. This difficulty often manifests in behaviours of concern, which serve as coping mechanisms for overwhelming emotional states.

Individuals with anxiety may experience heightened and persistent worry that can be paralysing, leading to behaviours such as avoidance, restlessness, or even physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches. In moments of high anxiety, some might exhibit panic attacks, characterised by rapid breathing, sweating, and an accelerated heart rate, which can be distressing and disruptive.

Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), might struggle with emotional dysregulation due to differences in brain development and functioning. They may have intense emotional reactions to seemingly minor triggers, leading to outbursts or meltdowns. These reactions are often a result of feeling overwhelmed by sensory inputs or changes in routine, rather than willful defiance or misbehaviour.

Emotional dysregulation can also manifest in physical aggression, either directed at others or oneself, as a form of expressing or coping with unmanageable feelings. Alternatively, some individuals may internalise their emotional turmoil, leading to withdrawal, depression, or self-harm.


5. Environmental Factors

The surrounding environment plays a crucial role in behaviour. Chaotic, loud, or unpredictable settings can be overwhelming, especially for those with sensory sensitivities. Conversely, environments that are too unstimulating can also lead to behaviours of concern as individuals seek to create stimulation or excitement.

The environment in which an individual spends their time can have a profound impact on their behaviour. Both overstimulating and understimulating environments can lead to behaviours of concern, particularly in individuals who are more sensitive to their surroundings.

In chaotic, loud, or unpredictable environments, individuals, especially those with sensory processing issues or neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, can become overwhelmed. Overstimulation can occur in settings with excessive noise, bright lights, or crowded spaces. This sensory overload can lead to a range of behaviours, including agitation, aggression, or attempts to escape the overwhelming environment. For some, the response might be a "shutdown," where they withdraw internally as a way of coping with the sensory onslaught.

Conversely, environments that lack sufficient stimulation can also pose challenges. Humans naturally seek a certain level of sensory input and engagement with their environment. In settings that are too bland, unchanging, or devoid of interest, individuals may exhibit behaviours of concern as a means of creating stimulation or excitement. This is often observed in institutional settings or situations where there is little opportunity for physical or mental activity. behaviours such as pacing, repetitive movements, or disruptive actions can be a response to the monotony and lack of stimulation.

For individuals with ADHD, the need for a stimulating environment is particularly pronounced. They may struggle to maintain attention and engagement in low-stimulus situations, leading to restlessness, fidgeting, or impulsive behaviours. In contrast, overly stimulating environments might exacerbate difficulties with focus and self-regulation.


6. Learning and Cognitive Challenges

People with neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disabilities, or cognitive impairments (e.g. Dementia or Acquired Brain Injury) may find it difficult to understand and navigate their environment. This can lead to frustration and behaviours of concern, as they might not fully grasp social norms or might find routine tasks challenging.

Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disabilities, or cognitive impairments face unique challenges in understanding and interacting with their environment. These challenges can stem from a range of conditions, including Dementia, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and various learning disabilities. The difficulties associated with these conditions often lead to behaviours of concern, as individuals struggle to navigate a world that may not be attuned to their specific needs.

For those with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD, the challenges often lie in processing sensory information, understanding social cues, and adapting to changes in routine. These individuals might find it difficult to interpret nonverbal signals, leading to misunderstandings in social interactions. Changes in their environment or daily schedule can be particularly distressing, potentially resulting in anxiety or resistance to change, which may manifest as disruptive or challenging behaviours.

Individuals with learning disabilities may struggle with academic tasks or understanding complex instructions. This can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy, especially in traditional educational settings that may not cater to diverse learning styles. behaviours of concern in this context can include avoidance of tasks, disruptive behaviour in classrooms, or withdrawal from educational activities.


7. Health Related Issues

Physical discomfort, illness, or mental health issues can manifest as behaviours of concern. For example, a person in pain might become irritable or aggressive, while someone with a mental health issue like depression might withdraw or exhibit self-injurious behaviour.

Health-related issues, encompassing both physical and mental health conditions, can significantly influence an individual's behaviour. When someone is experiencing physical discomfort, illness, or mental health challenges, they may express their distress through behaviours of concern, often because they lack other means of communicating or coping with their condition.

Physical discomfort and illness can lead to changes in behaviour due to pain, discomfort, or the general malaise associated with being unwell. For instance, a person experiencing chronic pain might display irritability, agitation, or even aggression. These reactions are not necessarily reflective of their personality but are often a direct response to the relentless discomfort they are enduring. Similarly, conditions like infections, headaches, or gastrointestinal issues, which might not be immediately visible to others, can cause significant distress, leading to changes in behaviour.

In the case of mental health issues, the behavioural manifestations can be complex and varied. For example, individuals suffering from depression may exhibit signs of withdrawal, disinterest in activities they once enjoyed, or even self-injurious behaviour as a manifestation of their inner turmoil. The impact of mental health conditions like anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia on behaviour can be profound, often leading to behaviours that are misunderstood or stigmatised.


8. Attention Seeking

Some individuals might engage in behaviours of concern to attract attention. This can be due to feeling neglected or overlooked; in such cases, even negative attention can be perceived as better than no attention at all.

Attention-seeking behaviour is a common response in individuals who feel neglected, undervalued, or overlooked. This need for attention stems from a fundamental human desire for social interaction and recognition. When individuals, especially children or those in dependent situations, feel that they are not receiving adequate attention, they may resort to behaviours of concern as a means to gain notice from those around them.

In many cases, attention-seeking behaviours arise from a perceived deficiency in positive, meaningful interactions. This could be due to various factors, such as busy family environments, crowded classrooms, or care settings where staff are stretched thin. In these scenarios, individuals may feel that their needs, whether emotional or physical, are not being met adequately.

The behaviours exhibited can vary widely but often include actions that are hard to ignore. These can range from disruptive or loud behaviour to more concerning actions like aggression or self-harm. Interestingly, for someone starved of attention, even negative attention, such as reprimands or disciplinary actions, can be preferable to no attention at all. It validates their presence and forces engagement from others, albeit in a negative context.


9. Modelling Behaviour

behaviours can be learned through observation and imitation. If an individual is frequently exposed to certain behaviours, especially in family or close social circles, they might mimic these, even if they are problematic.

The concept of modeling behaviour, rooted in social learning theory, suggests that much of our behaviour is learned through observing and imitating others, especially influential figures in our lives like parents, family members, peers, and media personalities. This learning process is particularly impactful during early childhood but continues throughout life. When individuals are frequently exposed to certain behaviours within their family or social circles, they may begin to mimic these behaviours, regardless of whether they are constructive or problematic.

In environments where negative behaviours such as aggression, conflict, or substance abuse are commonplace, individuals, especially children, may come to view these behaviours as normal or acceptable ways of expressing themselves or handling situations. This imitation is often not a conscious choice; rather, it is a learned response based on the observed outcomes of these behaviours. For instance, if a child regularly sees family members resolving disputes through aggression, they may learn to replicate this behaviour in their own social interactions.

Moreover, the role of media in modeling behaviour cannot be understated. With the pervasive influence of television, movies, and social media, individuals are exposed to a vast array of behaviours and lifestyles. If aggressive, risky, or otherwise problematic behaviours are glamorised or shown as successful, viewers may adopt these behaviours, believing them to be effective or desirable.


10. Reinforcement

Behaviours that are reinforced, either positively or negatively, are likely to be repeated. For example, if a child throws a tantrum and is then given what they want, they learn that this behaviour is an effective way to get their needs met.

Reinforcement plays a pivotal role in shaping behaviours, based on the principles of behavioural psychology. behaviours that are reinforced, whether positively (by receiving a reward) or negatively (by avoiding an undesired outcome), tend to be repeated over time. This concept is fundamental in understanding how certain behaviours of concern can become entrenched, especially in children but also in adults.

When a child throws a tantrum and subsequently receives what they want, they learn that this behaviour is an effective method for achieving their desires. This is an example of positive reinforcement: the behaviour (tantrum) is followed by a positive outcome (getting what they want), which increases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated in the future.

Similarly, if a child learns that acting out in school gets them out of an activity they dislike, they're experiencing negative reinforcement – the removal of an unpleasant situation reinforces the problematic behaviour.

In adults, reinforcement can manifest in various contexts. For example, an adult who receives attention or sympathy after expressing distress in a certain way might continue to use that behaviour to gain social interaction or emotional support. In the workplace, an employee who is consistently praised or rewarded for working excessively long hours might continue this behaviour despite potential negative impacts on their health and well-being.


11. Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices like lack of sleep, excessive screen time, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to behaviours of concern. Fatigue, low energy, and lack of physical activity can lead to irritability, lack of focus, and general disengagement.

Lifestyle factors, including sleep patterns, screen time, diet, and physical activity levels, play a significant role in influencing behaviour. These factors can have profound effects on both physical and mental health, and when not managed well, can lead to behaviours of concern.

Lack of Sleep

Insufficient sleep can have a dramatic impact on mood and cognitive function. When an individual, whether a child or an adult, does not get enough rest, they may experience irritability, difficulty concentrating, and increased emotional volatility.

In children, sleep deprivation is often linked to behaviour issues such as hyperactivity, tantrums, and mood swings. In adults, it can lead to decreased productivity, heightened stress levels, and impaired decision-making.

Excessive Screen Time

High levels of screen time have been associated with several negative outcomes, especially in children. Extended use of electronic devices can lead to reduced physical activity, impaired sleep quality, and overstimulation.

This overstimulation, particularly before bedtime, can negatively impact sleep patterns and contribute to restlessness and irritability. Additionally, excessive screen time can limit opportunities for face-to-face interactions, which are essential for developing social skills and emotional intelligence.

Poor Diet

Diet plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. Diets high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can impact mood and energy levels. Poor nutrition can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can cause mood swings and irritability. In contrast, a balanced diet rich in nutrients supports physical health, cognitive function, and emotional regulation.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Lack of physical activity can contribute to a range of physical and mental health problems. Regular physical activity is known to improve mood, enhance focus, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

A sedentary lifestyle, on the other hand, can lead to decreased energy levels, feelings of lethargy, and general disengagement. In children, insufficient physical activity can contribute to behavioural issues as they may not have an appropriate outlet for their energy.


12. Social Environment

Changes in family dynamics, routine, or social settings can trigger behaviours of concern. This includes situations like family disharmony, bullying, or trouble at school. These changes can create feelings of instability, stress, or insecurity, leading to challenging behaviours as a way to cope with the emotional turmoil.

The social environment, encompassing family dynamics, peer relationships, and broader social settings, plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's behaviour. Changes or stressors in these environments can trigger behaviours of concern, as individuals, particularly children and adolescents, may struggle to cope with the emotional turmoil these changes bring.


Family Disharmony

Conflict within the family, such as parental arguments, divorce, or issues with siblings, can create a sense of instability and insecurity.

Children and adolescents are particularly sensitive to family dynamics and may express their distress through various behaviours. This could manifest as aggression, withdrawal, defiance, or anxiety. The emotional impact of family disharmony can be profound, affecting their sense of security and self-esteem.


Bullying and Peer Relationships

Experiences in social settings, especially schools, significantly influence behaviour. Bullying, whether as a victim or perpetrator, can lead to a range of behaviours of concern. Victims of bullying may exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, or even aggression. Those who bully others may also be experiencing underlying issues such as low self-esteem, family problems, or peer pressure, which are expressed through their harmful behaviour towards others.


Trouble at School

Challenges in the school environment, such as academic pressure, difficulties with teachers, or social isolation, can lead to behaviours of concern. For instance, a child struggling academically may become disruptive in class as a way to divert attention from their difficulties. Alternatively, they may become withdrawn or exhibit signs of anxiety.


Change in Routine or Setting

Human beings, especially children, often thrive on predictability and routine. Sudden changes, such as moving to a new home, changing schools, or significant alterations in daily routines, can be unsettling. This can result in behaviours that are an attempt to cope with or assert control in the face of these changes.




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