Impacts of Behaviours of Concern on the individual

Explore the impacts of behaviours of concern on the individual in education, at home, with friends, at work and in wider society.

Explore the impacts of behaviours of concern on the individual in education, at home, with friends, at work and in wider society.

Behaviours of concern, often characterised by disruptive, harmful, or challenging actions, significantly impact individuals' lives. These behaviours can stem from various causes, including mental health issues, developmental disorders, or environmental factors, and they often signal underlying distress or unmet needs.  

The impacts of behaviours of concern can be far-reaching and affect various aspects of an individual's life, including education, work, home life, relationships with family and friends, and even interactions with the legal system.


Impacts of Behaviours of Concern At School / In Education

At school and in education generally, disruptive behaviours can interfere with learning and can often lead to academic underachievement. Behaviours of concern often prevent the individual, and to a lesser extent those around them, from focussing in class and engaging with the learning.

The inability to focus in class due to behaviours of concern can lead to gaps in knowledge, reduced academic performance, and a lack of foundational skills. Furthermore, students might struggle with standardised testing, which is often crucial for academic progression.

The presence of disruptive behaviours can also alter the classroom dynamic. Teachers may need to devote extra time and resources to managing behaviours of concern, which can detract from instructional time for the entire class. This can lead to a collective decrease in the opportunity for learning and may affect the educational outcomes of other students.

The long-term impact on the individual’s educational trajectory can be profound. Students with a history of disruptive behaviour are at a higher risk of dropping out of school, which limits their future education and career opportunities. This perpetuates a cycle of underachievement and can impact their socio-economic status in the long run.

Further reading: Teaching Neurodiverse Children to Reduce Disruptive Behaviour and Promote Positive Learning


Impacts of Behaviours of Concern in the Workplace

Similarly to school, behaviours of concern affect performance at work, workplace relationships and may even lead to disciplinary action. If the behaviour of concern hinders or prevents the individual from doing their work well, or doing their work at all this is likely to limit career opportunities or even result in concerns being raised by colleagues.

Behaviours of concern can significantly hinder an individual's ability to perform their duties effectively. This might manifest as decreased productivity, errors, or an inability to complete tasks. For some, these behaviours may cause absenteeism or presenteeism (being physically present but not fully functioning due to mental health issues or other concerns), further impacting their work performance.

These behaviours can strain relationships with colleagues and supervisors. They may lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, or a breakdown in team cohesion. This can create a tense and uncomfortable work environment, not only for the individual but also for their coworkers.

Individuals displaying behaviours of concern are likely to face obstacles in their career progression. They may be overlooked for promotions, face difficulty in securing new job opportunities, or receive less favorable job assignments. Over time, this can lead to a stagnation or regression in their professional development.

In some cases, behaviours of concern may lead to formal disciplinary actions. This could range from performance improvement plans to termination of employment. The instability resulting from such actions can have a profound impact on the individual’s financial security and self-esteem.


Impacts of Behaviours of Concern at Home / With Family

Behaviours of concern can place significant stress on family relationships. For example, parents might find their relationship strained by behaviours of concern in a child or young person in their care. The potential breakdown of the family unit is a real concern.

Parents or caregivers of a child or young person exhibiting behaviours of concern may experience considerable stress and anxiety. This can stem from concerns about the child’s well-being, uncertainty about how to best support them, and the challenges of managing disruptive or harmful behaviours. These stresses can lead to feelings of frustration, guilt, or even helplessness among parents.

The presence of a family member with behaviours of concern can significantly affect siblings. They may feel neglected or overshadowed as parents may need to devote more time and resources to the child with behavioural issues. This can lead to feelings of resentment or jealousy among siblings, impacting their emotional well-being and altering the family dynamic.

In some cases, the strain of managing behaviours of concern can lead to a breakdown in family relationships. This might manifest as increased arguments, decreased family cohesion, or in severe cases, separation or divorce. The disruption of the family unit can have long-lasting effects on all members, especially children.

Living with someone who exhibits behaviours of concern can take a significant emotional toll on the entire family. It can lead to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression among family members. These emotional challenges can further exacerbate tensions within the household.

Families may also experience social isolation due to the stigma or misunderstanding associated with behaviours of concern. This can result in reduced social support, fewer opportunities for social interaction, and a sense of being different or ostracised from the community.


Impacts of Behaviours of Concern With Friends

Behaviours of concern often lead to social isolation because they can disrupt the course of making and maintaining friendships. Peers may reject the individual if they find their behaviour offensive or unsafe. This has a significant emotional and well-being impact on the person.

Individuals exhibiting behaviours of concern often face significant challenges in initiating friendships. These behaviours can be misinterpreted or poorly received by peers, leading to misunderstandings or discomfort. As a result, initiating social interactions can become daunting, and opportunities to form new friendships may be limited.

Maintaining friendships can be equally challenging. Behaviours of concern might lead to unpredictable or inconsistent interactions, making it difficult for friends to understand and adapt to these behavioural patterns. This inconsistency can strain relationships, sometimes leading to conflicts or a gradual distancing by peers.

One of the most direct impacts is the potential for peer rejection. If peers perceive the behaviour as offensive, disruptive, or unsafe, they might choose to distance themselves. This rejection can be overt or subtle, but either way, it contributes to the individual's sense of isolation and exclusion.

Social isolation and the lack of meaningful friendships can have a profound impact on the individual’s emotional health. It can lead to feelings of loneliness, low self-esteem, and in some cases, may exacerbate existing mental health issues like depression or anxiety. The human need for social connection is fundamental, and its absence can be deeply distressing.

Engaging in social activities or group settings can become challenging. The fear of negative judgment or rejection may prevent the individual from participating in social events, further limiting their opportunities for social interaction and leading to a more insular lifestyle.

Over time, the lack of social interaction can impede the development of social skills. This can create a cycle where the individual becomes increasingly less equipped to engage in social situations, perpetuating the isolation.

Further reading: Strategies to Make Friends at School


Impacts of Behaviours of Concern in Wider Society

Aggression, violence, physical damage to property, sexualised and inappropriate behaviours can have consequences with the law. For adolescents, repeated behavioural issues may result in involvement with the juvenile justice system. There is a risk of criminalising behaviours, particularly in cases where mental health issues are the underlying cause.

Legal Consequences of Aggressive behaviours:

Aggression, violence, and physical damage to property can lead to legal consequences. Individuals displaying these behaviours may face arrest, legal proceedings, and potentially, incarceration. The legal system often treats these behaviours as criminal acts, sometimes without considering the underlying causes, such as mental health issues.

Involvement with Juvenile Justice System:

Adolescents with repeated behavioural issues, including aggression or other disruptive behaviours, are at a higher risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system. This involvement can have long-lasting impacts on their future, including limiting educational and career opportunities and perpetuating a cycle of involvement with the criminal justice system into adulthood.

Criminalisation of Mental Health Issues:

There is a significant risk of criminalising behaviours, especially in cases where mental health issues are the underlying cause. The justice system may not always be equipped to identify or address the root causes of these behaviours, leading to punitive responses rather than therapeutic or rehabilitative ones.

Stigmatisation and Societal Perceptions

Individuals who have been involved with the legal system due to behaviours of concern often face societal stigmatisation. This can affect their ability to reintegrate into society, find employment, and establish stable relationships. The stigma associated with a criminal record can be a significant barrier to leading a fulfilling life post-incarceration.

Impact on Public Safety and Perception

behaviours of concern, especially those that are violent or aggressive, can impact public perceptions of safety. This can lead to broader societal reactions, such as increased policing or stricter laws, which may not necessarily address the root causes of these behaviours.


Related blogs on Behaviours of Concern:

Twelve Common Causes of Behaviours of Concern

Ten Examples of Behaviours of Concern

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