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Behaviour Help App User Guide

A Step by Step Guide to Assessing, Managing and Preventing Behaviours of Concern

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Getting Started - The Behaviour Help App

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App available late November 2024

What is the Behaviour Help App?

Behaviour Help is an innovative web-based app that provides a structured and efficient way to complete data-driven Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBAs) and develop Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) plans for individuals with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD).

This video showcases the Behaviour Help app that provides a structured and efficient way to complete data-driven Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBAs) and develop Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) plans for individuals with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD).

App umbrella diagram

The app guides you step by step through the Behaviour Help Cycle to assess-manage-prevent behaviours of concern.

Assess, manage, prevent

How is the Behaviour Help App Unique?

The Behaviour Help app includes questionnaires, data collection forms, automated charting solutions and intervention strategy banks to help conduct FBAs and develop personalised PBS plans.

These features can be highly beneficial to professionals implementing Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) by promoting:

  • Efficiency: Streamlining data collection and analysis, saving you time.
  • Accuracy: Reduce errors and inconsistencies in data recording.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Personalisation: Allows for personalised positive behaviour support plans based on individual data.
  • Monitoring: Provides ongoing monitoring and adjustments to PBS plans based on real-time data.

This ensures that FBAs and PBS plans are evidence-based and tailored to the individual's needs, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the individual.

Who can use the Behaviour Help App?

The app can be used by professionals who have expertise in understanding and addressing behaviours of concern by using the evidence based positive behaviour support approach.

These professionals may include: Behaviour Support Practitioners, Board Certified Behaviour Analysts, Teachers and other professionals supporting individuals with emotional and behavioural difficulties in home, educational, clinical, justice or other therapeutic settings.

Who does the Behaviour Help App support?

The PBS professional can use the app to support people who exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties. The individual may have one or more of the following diagnoses:

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. Autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and Down syndrome)
  • Learning difficulties (e.g. dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslexia)
  • Aphasia (for example, Alzheimer's disease, acquired brain injury, stroke)
  • Disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders (e.g. oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, kleptomania and pyromania)
  • Mental health conditions (e.g. anxiety, depression and schizophrenia)
  • Neurocognitive disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Lewy Body disease, Huntington's disease, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and substance-use-associated diseases)
  • Trauma and stress related disorders

Where can the Behaviour Help App be used?

The app can be used in early childhood, school, accommodation, corrective services, clinical, medical and various disability support settings.

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App available late November 2024


To get started, simply sign up to the Behaviour Help app at on your phone, tablet or computer.

Login page screenshot

Once your account has been created, log in to get started.

Login page screenshot
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App available late November 2024

Add an Individual

Begin by clicking on the + symbol to add an individual.

Adding individual screenshot

Provide the individual's first and last name and click “add”.

Adding individual screenshot
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App available late November 2024

Assess Stage

Behaviour Help app will guide you step by step through the various components of the Functional Behaviour Assessment template to systematically gather information, collect data and create hypotheses to identify the underlying causes and functions of behaviours of concern. The FBA will provide a solid foundation for creating effective and personalised Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

You can now start completing the various components of the ‘assess’ stage that are part of the Functional Behaviour Assessment.


Information Sources

Record details of the multiple sources (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, direct observations, document/report reviews, meetings) that information was gathered from to develop a thorough understanding and holistic view of the individual's behaviour.

Tailor the form by using the bin symbol to delete any sources that do not apply.

Where applicable questions include a drop-down menu that provide a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Individual profile

The app guides the user through an individual profile which is a questionnaire to gather detailed information about the individual’s background, their skills and preferences.

Tailor the questionnaire by using the bin symbol to delete any questions that do not apply.

Where applicable questions include a drop-down menu that provide a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Behaviour data collection forms

The app allows you to select behaviours of concern that the individual exhibits.

For each behaviour of concern a definition is provided that can be edited to reflect your individual’s presentation.

You can then create a personalised behaviour data collection form so that multiple team members supporting the individual in different settings can complete daily behaviour logs by inputting measurable details (e.g. frequency, intensity, duration) about the behaviours of concern.

These logs allow tracking of behaviours throughout the day across different settings.

The app then collates the metric data, generates graphs, and allows for data export. These visual representations of data can then be analysed by the user to identify patterns and trends in behaviour.

A-B-C analysis

The app allows multiple team members to systematically input incident details by recording the antecedents (what preceded the behaviour), behaviours (describing the observable actions as they occurred) and the consequences (what happened after the behaviour). The app then collates all the incidents into an incident register system for the user’s easy analysis.


By reflecting on both the qualitative and quantitative data the user can identify the most likely purpose (i.e., function) that the behaviour of concern serves for the individual and what reinforces that behaviour to occur again can be determined.


The app then generates a downloadable functional behaviour assessment that can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual's support team.

Information gleaned from the assess stage contributes to the next two stages: manage and prevent stages that together form an individualised positive behaviour support intervention plan.

PDF icon
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App available late November 2024

Information Sources

Record details of the multiple sources (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, direct observations, document/report reviews, meetings) that information was gathered from to develop a thorough understanding and holistic view of the individual's behaviour.

Tailor the form by using the bin symbol to delete any sources that do not apply.

Where applicable questions include a drop-down menu that provide a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Login page screenshot
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App available late November 2024

Individual Profile

The app guides the user through an individual profile which is a questionnaire to gather detailed information about the individual’s background, their skills and preferences.

Adding individual screenshot

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Capture detailed information about the individual's background such as hospital admission history.

Hospital admissions

Tailor the questionnaire by using the bin symbol to delete any questions that do not apply. For example:

Hospital admissions

Where applicable, questions include a drop-down menu that provide a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from, or you can enter your own response.

Hospital admissions
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App available late November 2024

Behaviour Data Collection

Behaviour data collection forms

The app allows you to select behaviours of concern that the individual exhibits.

Behaviour data collection form

Next, you can create a personalised behaviour data collection form. Select ‘Create New Form +’ to personalise the behaviour data collection (BDC).

Create new form
Adding individual screenshot

Once saved, the app generates a QR code that can be shared via email or text message with multiple team members supporting the individual in different settings to complete daily behaviour logs.

QR code

The app then collates the metric data, generates graphs, and allows for data export. These visual representations of data can then be analysed by the user to identify patterns and trends in behaviour.

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App available late November 2024

ABC Incident

The app allows multiple team members to systematically input incident details by recording the antecedents (what preceded the behaviour), behaviours (describing the observable actions as they occurred) and the consequences (what happened after the behaviour). The app then collates all the incidents into an incident register system for the user’s easy analysis.

Adding individual screenshot
Adding individual screenshot

The app then collates all the incidents into an incident register system for easy analysis.

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App available late November 2024


By reflecting on both the qualitative and quantitative data the user can identify the most likely purpose (i.e., function) that the behaviour of concern serves for the individual and what reinforces that behaviour to occur again can be determined.

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App available late November 2024

Assess Review

The app can also generate a downloadable functional behaviour assessment that can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual's support team.

Information derived from the functional behaviour assessment contributes to the next two stages: “manage and prevent” that together form an individualised positive behaviour support plan.

PDF icon
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App available late November 2024

Manage Stage

Behaviour Help app will guide you step by step to through the various components of the behaviour management plan template that provides a structured approach to managing and responding to the individual’s behaviours of concern in various settings.

Manage stage

Escalation stages

The app enables the user to select an escalation curve to help those supporting the individual recognise the number of stages the individual typically exhibits as their emotional intensity rises (for example, mild escalation, moderate escalation, extreme escalation and recovery stage).

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Escalation stages

Stage descriptions

The app also enables the user to describe the nonverbal and/or verbal behaviours exhibited by the individual for each of the escalation stages. You can refer to sample case studies for further examples.

This enables those supporting the individual to recognise the intensity of the escalation consistently.

The section includes sample case studies.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

stage descriptions

Stage-specific de-escalation

The app provides a bank of stage specific de-escalation strategies that can be selected. The user can add other strategies to safely defuse, redirect and de-escalate the situation in the least disruptive manner.

If authorised, restrictive practices are to be used, then clear procedures for these practices can be included.

The section includes sample case studies.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Stage specific de-escalation


The app then generates a downloadable behaviour management plan that can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual's support team.

PDF icon
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App available late November 2024

Escalation Stages

The app enables the user to select an escalation curve to help those supporting the individual recognise the number of stages the individual typically exhibits as their emotional intensity rises (i.e. mild escalation, moderate escalation, extreme escalation and recovery stage).

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

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App available late November 2024

Stage Descriptions

The app enables the user to describe the nonverbal and/or verbal behaviours exhibited by the individual for each of the escalation stages.

This enables those supporting the individual to recognise the intensity of the escalation consistently.

The section includes sample case studies.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

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App available late November 2024

Stage Specific De-Escalation

The app enables the user to provide stage specific de-escalation strategies to those supporting the individual to respond early in ways that can safely defuse, redirect and de-escalate the situation in the least disruptive manner.

If authorised restrictive practices are to be used, then clear procedures for these practices can be included.

The section includes sample case studies.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

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App available late November 2024

Manage Review

By reviewing the data and feedback from the individual and their support team the user can adjust the management plan as needed.

The app then generates a downloadable manage stage summary that is part of the positive behaviour intervention support plan.

This can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual’s support team so that the team can consistently manage behaviours of concern across different settings. Information gleaned from the assess and manage stage also contributes to the development of targeted interventions in the prevent stage.

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App available late November 2024

Prevent Stage

Behaviour Help app will guide you step by step to through the various components of the behaviour prevention plan template to create a structured approach to proactively minimise the occurrence of behaviours of concerns by addressing potential triggers, making modifications and teaching positive alternatives.


Supportive environments

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies on how to tailor indoor and outdoor spaces to support diverse sensory, accessibility, physical and emotional regulation requirements.

Included is a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

The section includes sample case studies. Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Supportive interactions

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies to promote communication that is clear, fair, empathetic, collaborative and responsive to foster respectful relationships.

Included is a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

The section includes sample case studies. Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Supportive activities

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies on how to tailor environments, activities and promote positive interactions.

Select from the comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response. Refer to sample case studies.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Supportive environment

Teaching the Individual

The app enables the user to collect and track data on SMART goal achievement:

  1. Enter SMART goal/s in each row.
  2. Enter a start date. If you do not have an end date leave the box empty and the app will keep recording data until you specify an end date.
  3. Supportive environment
  4. Share the provided data collector’s account credentials (email and password) along with the QR code or web link. These credentials can be shared via email or text message.

The tools in the app help record the progress the individual is making towards achieving the SMART goals.


The app then generates a downloadable “prevent” stage summary that is part of the positive behaviour support intervention plan. This can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual's support team for consistency of supports.

PDF icon
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App available late November 2024

Supportive Environment

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies on how to tailor indoor and outdoor spaces to support diverse sensory, accessibility, physical and emotional regulation requirements.

Included is a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

The section includes sample case studies. Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

Supportive Environment
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App available late November 2024

Supportive Interaction

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies to promote communication that is clear, fair, empathetic, collaborative and responsive to foster respectful relationships.

Included is a comprehensive list of suggestions to select from or enter your own response.

The section includes sample case studies. Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

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App available late November 2024

Supportive Activity

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with strategies on how to tailor activity scheduling, activity resources, activity design and activity engagement to meet the individual’s needs, abilities and preferences.

Remember to click on the save button before moving on to the next section.

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App available late November 2024

Teach Skill

The app enables the user to equip those supporting the individual with person-centred SMART goals, associated methods or approaches to achieve and reinforce the individual to skills. A fade out plan for restrictive practices can also be recorded. The tools in the app will helps record progress the individual is making towards achieving the SMART goals.

Teach Skill
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App available late November 2024

Skill Data

Skill data
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App available late November 2024


The app then generates a downloadable prevent stage summary that is part of the positive behaviour support intervention plan.

This behaviour prevention plan can be printed or saved as a PDF to be shared with the individual's support team.

The plan helps the team utilise consistent preventative strategies across settings that minimise or avoid triggers that prime or reinforce the behaviours of concern.

As well as enable the team members to teach and reinforce the development of new skills and alternative behaviours that serve the same function as the behaviour of concern, to maximise the individual’s participation, quality of life, independence and development across multiple domains.